Holiday Bouquet Needle Felting Kit
This modern take on a classic floral design is made by filling in a printed fabric picture with wool; the needle felted equivalent to paint-by-number but with fiber.
Kit Includes:
Beginner's Guide to Needle Felting (a bit of general information)
Instruction Sheet with tips and techniques
Link to video instructions (highly recommended!)
Two color-coded felting needles in a handy paper tube
Felting wool
Linen fabric pattern (printed in color)
High quality 7 in. wooden hoop
Muslin fabric square
Kit does NOT include felting foam, but it is available HERE .
*This kit is intended for adults and kids over 10 yrs. who possess good manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and ability to work with focus and care. (Caution - felting needles are sharp!)*